Capsule: Your wardrobe, re-inspired.

Women only use 10% of their wardrobes, and lack ideas on how to re-wear the clothes they already have.


Taking the form of an app, Capsule is a digital wardrobe/stylist designed to declutter the morning mind providing inspiration to what we wear.

Capsule will provide daily outfit suggestions/inspiration from the individual's current wardrobe.  Aligned to their taste and inspired by current trends, helping the user wear the other 90% of their wardrobe in a new way that they haven’t thought about.

The App Layout

The Campaign.

Created with Capsule is a series of instagram stories of everyday individuals in outfits that have been created using capsule. The series is deliberately all taken as a “selfie” style to remain authentic and less polished. The whole foundation of Capsule is to celebrate individual style and show real people.

Influencers from a range of backgrounds, styles and body types have been selected to continue the notion of “created with capsule”.

  • The influencers will create recordings on themselves using Capsule to plan outfits and get dressed in the morning. These will be through instagram stories, posts, IGTV and Youtube. Taking the style of “get ready with me” and “my capsule closet” as these are currently very popular videos. 

  • Each  influencer be provided with a brief which entails the conditions of sponsorship. This is to ensure that the main notion of Capsule and its branding is carried throughout

  • Influencers are also content creators and will also become paid collaborators to create content and new styles for capsule itself


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